The Australian Media Bias Register

Date Written Author Rating Media Outlet Topic Title
12/01/2023 Benita Kolovos
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Guardian Religion Daniel Andrews ‘couldn’t think of anything more distressing’ for victims than a state funeral for George Pell
12/01/2023 Andrew Bolt
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Herald Sun Religion Andrew Bolt: What my last phone call with George Pell revealed about him
09/01/2023 Elizabeth Knight
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Sydney Morning Herald Energy Policy Government’s bait and switch has caught gas producers flatfooted
17/11/2022 Nick Lenaghan
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Australian Financial Review Transport Residents fear Melbourne’s rail loop project will tank house prices
17/11/2022 Chip Le Grand
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The Age Government Finances (Tax/Spending) Fiscal reality bites Victoria’s spend, spend, spend election campaign
17/11/2022 Chip Le Grand
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The Age Elections ‘He’s not gracious’: The Dan Andrews phone call driving Matthew Guy’s comeback
17/11/2022 Joseph Huitson
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Sky News Elections Victorian Premier's toxic culture of 'retribution' exposed by whistleblower in Peta Credlin documentary 'The Cult of Daniel Andrews'
17/11/2022 Paul Karp
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Guardian Industrial Relations Guardian Essential poll: almost two-thirds of voters back Labor’s plan for multi-employer pay deals
14/11/2022 Courtney Gould
rate rate International Affairs China says it will meet Australia ‘half way’ amid speculation of leaders talks
14/11/2022 David Wu
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Sky News Health Sunrise host David Koch takes aim at Daniel Andrews over Victoria's health system and Melbourne's lockdown during COVID
14/11/2022 Benita Kolovos
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Guardian Elections Victoria election launch shows Labor’s strategy is all about a return to (70s-style) power
14/11/2022 Andrew Green
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ABC Website Defence Kim Beazley calls for massive defence spending increase to prevent Australia being 'lost'
14/11/2022 Erin Molan
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Sky News Cyber security New cybercriminals task force ‘would be effective’ in combination with other measures
14/11/2022 Peter Hartcher
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The Age 2022 Federal Election Only one man could save Scott Morrison from himself. And he chose not to
13/11/2021 Michelle Grattan
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The Climate Change Scott Morrison spruiks electric vehicles – but rules out subsidies and an end-date for petrol cars
12/11/2021 Paul Karp
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Guardian Previous Prime Ministers Scott Morrison says he ‘believes’ he has never told a lie in public life – was that a lie?
12/11/2021 Michelle Grattan
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ABC Website 2022 Federal Election Scott Morrison has a bingle or two on campaign trail with his electric vehicle rollout
12/11/2021 Michelle Pini
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Independent Australia Previous Prime Ministers 10 reasons why Scott Morrison is actually a hypocrite
12/11/2021 Zoe Zaczek
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Sky News Coronavirus Scott Morrison 'can understand frustration' over Victoria's proposed pandemic bill
11/11/2021 Ross Gittins
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The Age Climate Change It’s a masterpiece: The dizzying spin in Morrison’s plan to reach net zero